Live an adventure in Cerro Kennedy

Live an adventure in Cerro Kennedy and the unknown, Santa Marta is a paradise where you can find everything from secluded beaches to breathtaking views of the Sierra Nevada.

Published -0001-11-30 00:00:00

For lovers of good experiences, live an adventure in Cerro Kennedy and the unknown, Santa Marta is a paradise where you can find from secluded beaches, surrounded by jungle and seas of 7 colors; to mountain trails that lead to the snow. Santa Marta is definitely a magical land where you can find many adventures and live countless experiences. 

Cerro Kennedy (Kennedy Hill)

Cerro Kennedy is one of those fascinating places found in beautiful Santa Marta. Located just 40 kilometers from Santa Marta, Cerro Kennedy is actually a mountain ridge that rises to more than 2,800 meters above sea level. Because of its height and location, it offers spectacular and unparalleled views of the peaks of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. 

You will observe from the top the city of Santa Marta, Ciénaga, the Caribbean Sea and the Banana Zone. On clear days you can even admire the city of Barranquilla (about 100 kilometers away).

How to get to Cerro Kennedy?

As in most of the experiences in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, to get to Cerro Kennedy you must be prepared for an adventure. Despite its proximity to the city center, Cerro Kennedy is somewhat remote. 

You should begin your adventure by reaching the town of Minca, located approximately 15 kilometers from Santa Marta and at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level. To get to Minca you can take a public service bus from the Santa Marta market, take a cab from anywhere in the city or take a private vehicle.

Kennedy Hill Minca

From Minca you will have to take other transportation, since the road is only paved up to a point, therefore, a 4x4 vehicle or a high displacement motorcycle will be necessary. You can also go up on foot or by bicycle, but you must take into account the distance, the slope and the maximum altitude. If you want to go by 4x4 truck or motorcycle, you can purchase the services, however, in Visit Santa Marta we can arrange your trip so you don't have to worry about the logistics.

The route to Cerro Kennedy is quite simple and direct. From Minca take the paved road that goes to the Tagua, passing by pozo azul and Hacienda la Victoria, bordering cliffs with spectacular views. Approximately 30 minutes later you will find a sector known as "la Y" of the Tagua where there is a store and billiards and from where the unpaved road begins.

From this point the road is direct and you will pass through the grounds of the El Dorado Reserve, an important private conservation area where you can also find lodging and bird watching activities. It is worth noting that the Sierra Nevada is a "hotspot" for bird watching, well known worldwide.

From "la Y" de la Tagua to Cerro Kennedy it is approximately 2.5 to 3 hours by car on a dirt road. If you want to stay one or more nights in the area, we tell you that the accommodations are in the reserve El Dorado, in the San Lorenzo sector and in the upper part near the peak, in the hostel "Donde Moncho".

What to do in Cerro Kennedy?

Cerro Kennedy is a blade or edge of a mountain, located more than 2,800 meters above sea level. You should keep in mind that temperatures range between 7° and 18° Celsius degrees depending on the time of day and time of year. Therefore, you should be prepared for cold temperatures at night and in the early morning.

The spectacular views, vegetation and wildlife are unique attractions of the region that you can enjoy at your leisure. We recommend the following activities to do in Cerro Kennedy:

  • Hiking

  • Mountain Biking

  • Bird watching

  • Contemplation

  • Yoga

  • Fauna and Flora Sightseeing

  • Camping

Definitely Santa Marta is an absolutely spectacular place where you will find a lot of incredible adventures. Discover Cerro Kennedy and live a totally unique experience in Santa Marta.

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