Personal Data Processing Policy 



To establish the criteria for the collection, storage, use, diffusion, registration, management, reporting, processing, use, analysis, confirmation, updating and cancellation of personal data processed by SANTA MARTA TOURISM CENTER BRAND COLOMBIA S.A.S. (hereinafter SMTC-BRAND COLOMBIA S.A.S.), a commercial company with headquarters in the city of Santa Marta, with NIT. 901.338.944-8


This policy applies to all personal data registered in the databases of SMTC-BRAND COLOMBIA S.A.S., which acts as the party responsible for the processing of personal data.


SMTC-BRAND COLOMBIA S.A.S. is obliged to strictly comply with this policy.


SANTA MARTA TOURISM TOURISM CENTER BRAND COLOMBIA S.A.S., a commercial company, legally constituted, with NIT. 901.338.944-8 with its main address at Cra 1C. No. 22-19 in the city of Santa Marta, Republic of Colombia. Page Telephone 310 8720384 in the city of Santa Marta,


The treatment of SMTC-BRAND COLOMBIA S.A.S. will perform with the personal data will be the following: collect, store, use, circulate, register, manage, report, process, use, evaluate, analyze, confirm, update and cancel my personal data with the following purposes

(i) to carry out the operations necessary for the development of the company's business purpose in relation to the services it promotes and offers; (ii) to send invitations to events and offer new products and services; (iii) to provide the services offered by SMTC-BRAND COLOMBIA S. A.S. and contracted by the undersigned; and (iv) to provide information to third parties with whom SMTC-BRAND COLOMBIA S.A.S. has a contractual relationship and that is necessary to be provided to them for the fulfillment of the contracted purpose.


Sensitive data are those that affect the privacy of the data subject or whose improper use may cause discrimination, such as those that reveal racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership in trade unions, social organizations, human rights or that promote the interests of a political party or guarantee the rights and guarantees of opposition political parties, as well as data relating to health, sex life and biometric data.

In the event that SM-TC BRAND COLOMBIA S.A.S. requests sensitive data, it will do so only and exclusively in those cases in which this information is necessary to prevent risks that may arise from the services or activities contracted with SM-TC BRAND COLOMBIA S.A.S. or for the use of the services offered by it, such as, for example, the realization of excursions or tourist experiences, the realization of which requires the absence of some health conditions that may affect the development of the activity. In the case of the provision of sensitive data, the holder may refrain from answering questions relating to the same.


In the development of the services and activities developed by SM-TC BRAND COLOMBIA S.A.S., photographs, videos or other recordings of the personal image of the owner may be made, who expressly authorizes SM-TC BRAND COLOMBIA S.A.S. to use the images for the purposes established in this policy.  This use includes, but is not limited to, the distribution, printing or publication of the images in media, social networks, promotional materials, advertising pieces and promotional activities.


As the owner of your personal information, you have the right to:

(i) access, free of charge, to the data that have been the subject of processing.

(ii) To know, update and rectify your data against partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fractioned, misleading, or those whose treatment is prohibited or has not been authorized.

(iii) Request proof of the authorization given.

(iv) file complaints with the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) for violation of the provisions of the regulations in force.

(v) To revoke the authorization and/or request the cancellation of the data, unless there is a legal or contractual obligation that prevents their cancellation.

(vi) Refrain from answering

sensitive data. The answers concerning sensitive data or data of children and adolescents are optional.


The Customer Service Department is the unit in charge of processing the requests of the holders to make them effective through the e-mail


In accordance with the regulations on the protection of personal data.

SMTC-BRAND COLOMBIA S.A.S. presents the procedure and minimum requirements for the exercise of your rights:

(I) In order to send and receive your request, please provide the following information Full name and surname, contact details (physical and/or electronic address and contact telephone numbers), means of receiving a response to your request, reason(s)/fact(s) that give rise to the claim with a brief description of the right you wish to exercise (access, update, rectification, proof of authorization granted, cancellation, deletion, access to information), signature and identification number.

(II) The maximum time limit established by law for resolving your request is fifteen (15) working days, counted from the day following the date of receipt.

If it is not possible to resolve the claim within this period, SMTC-BRAND COLOMBIA S.A.S. will inform the interested party of the reasons for the delay and the date on which the claim will be resolved, which in no case will exceed eight (8) working days from the expiry of the initial period.

Once the terms established in Law 1581 of 2012 and other regulations that regulate or complement it, the holder who is denied, in whole or in part, the exercise of the rights of access, updating, rectification, cancellation and opposition, may bring his case to the attention of the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce - Office for the Protection of Personal Data.

Personal Data of Children and Adolescents.

SMTC-BRAND COLOMBIA S.A.S. will take into account and respect the best interests of children and adolescents when processing their personal data, as well as respecting their fundamental rights. In addition, SMTC-BRAND COLOMBIA S.A.S. will request the authorization of the legal representative of the child or adolescent to process his/her personal data.

It will have optional answers that deal with sensitive data or data of children and adolescents.


This policy for the processing of personal data is effective from March 9, 2021.

SM-TC BRAND COLOMBIA S.A.S reserves the right to modify its policy on the processing of personal data. In this regard, any modification will be published in a timely manner on the SM-TC BRAND COLOMBIA S.A.S. website.

The databases in which the personal data will be registered will be valid for the period during which the information will be kept and used for the purposes described in this policy. Once the purpose(s) is (are) fulfilled, and unless there is a legal or contractual obligation to keep your information, your data will be deleted from our databases.

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