Nature excursion


  • horario 1 day
  • visita Guided tour
  • transporte Transport


  • bienestar Walking
  • bienestar Visit to viewpoints
  • bienestar Connection with nature
  • bienestar Tayrona Terraces


Explora la Ruta Bunkuany, donde conocerás la riqueza cultural e histórica del Magdalena. Desde el Monumento Indígena Maestro Lombana hasta las imponentes Piedras Donamas, cada parada revela la resistencia y la belleza de la región. Conoce la Vereda La Lisa antes de recorrer las fascinantes Terrazas Bunkuany. Estas terrazas, testimonio de la ingeniería ancestral de las comunidades indígenas, ofrecen un paisaje visualmente impresionante con líneas escalonadas que se funden armoniosamente con el entorno montañoso. Además de su aspecto histórico y cultural, las terrazas también ofrecen una vista panorámica espectacular de los alrededores, lo que hace que la experiencia sea aún más inolvidable para los visitantes. Culmina tu día con un tour por la encantadora Finca La Playita, donde la naturaleza y la historia se entrelazan en un escenario inolvidable. ¡Una experiencia que cautiva los sentidos y el espíritu!
  • We start our exciting journey at 7:00 am with pick-up at your accommodation. Our first destination is Bonda, a charming village that will transport you back in time with its colonial architecture and historic streets. At 7:30 am, we will arrive to explore its historic church and monuments, discovering the rich local culture until 8:00 am.

    Next, we will head towards the impressive Piedra Donama, a spectacular natural viewpoint that will leave you breathless and an ancestral site where we will begin to learn about payments and the indigenous culture of the region. We will arrive at 8:30 am, and you will have until 8:50 am to marvel at the panoramic views and capture unforgettable memories.

    We will continue our journey to La Lisa, where we will make a brief stop at 8:50 am to stock up on supplies and enjoy a short break before our next adventure.

    The next destination is Bunkuany, a hidden paradise surrounded by lush vegetation. At 9:20 am, we will embark on an exciting hike to the terraces, where we will witness the majesty of nature and human ingenuity at work. We will have time to explore and admire the terraces from 10:10 am until 11:50 am.

    After a morning full of exploration, we will return to the local restaurant at 11:50 am to enjoy a delicious lunch typical of the region, recharging our energy for the next part of our adventure.

    At 1:15 pm, we will head to La Playita, a beautiful oasis where we can relax under the warm Caribbean sun. We will take advantage of the afternoon to participate in a beekeeping activity at 2:10 pm, where we will learn about the fascinating life of bees and their importance to the ecosystem.

    Then, we will immerse ourselves in the refreshing river current, enjoying moments of tranquility and fun until 4:10 pm.

    Finally, we will begin our return journey to Santa Marta at 4:10 pm, arriving approximately at 6:00 pm, with hearts full of unforgettable memories of this day full of adventures and discoveries in the beautiful Caribbean region. We invite you to live this unique experience with us!

  • • 4X4 Transportation
    • Guided Tour
    • Assistance Insurance
    • Beekeeping Activity
    • Lunch
    • Archaeological Zone Entrance Fee
    • Community Contributions

  • • Unspecified Expenses Not Included in the Plan

  • Confirmed reservations will be subject to a cancellation policy with the following terms:
    Cancellations or changes received:
    - Between 14 days and 10 days before the tour, a 20% charge of the total package.
    - Between 9 days and 2 days before the tour, a 50% charge of the total package.
    - 1 day before, a 100% charge of the total package will apply.
    - In case of cancellation without penalty, a 10% charge of the package value will be applied for administrative expenses.

  • Before the Tour: Bring a refillable water bottle, insect repellent, sunscreen, swimsuit, and additional sunscreen.

    During the Tour: Follow the established paths and stay with the group.

  • Price per person $575.000 COP
  • Total $2.300.000 COP
  • VAT exemption
  • * Foreigners exempt from taxes
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