Wirakoku is an association of indigenous women that promotes literacy, business skills and entrepreneurship among women and enhances the education of girls through the economic independence that comes from the weaving skills of its members. Wirakoku means Star in the Iku language, the language of the Arhuaco people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. According to their cosmology, in the creation myth there was the morning star indicating the beginning of the day even before the existence of the sun or the moon.


Name of the entrepreneur: Lucellys Torres

Kind of product: Hand-woven Arhuaca backpacks

Material: Fique, wool

Concept: The skilled hands of more than 200 indigenous women from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, weave their future by creating authentic, one-of-a-kind Arhuaco TUTU backpacks with natural materials and dyes. Bringing our dream to all parts of the world.

Find us at casa marina

Cra 1c # 22-19

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